Highlights of AFET meeting next week
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Highlights of AFET meeting next week

Committee on Foreign Affairs
Thursday, 9 March

09:00 – 12:30 in room: Paul-Henri Spaak 1A002


·  EU Rapid Deployment Capacity, EU Battlegroups and Article 44 TEU: the way forward (2022/2145(INI)) – adoption of draft report – rapporteur: Javi LÓPEZ (S&D, ES)


·  Exchange of views with the EEAS on the situation in Mexico including a state of play of the negotiations of the EU-Mexico Global Agreement (9.45 – 10.30)

·  Jointly with the Subcommittee on Security and Defence: Presentation of the Third Joint Declaration on EU-NATO cooperation with Stefano SANNINO, Secretary General of the EEAS (10.30 – 11.15)

·  Jointly with the Subcommittee on Security and Defence: Presentation of the Crisis Response Centre with Stefano SANNINO, Secretary General of the EEAS (11.15 – 12.00)