Highlights of AFET committee meetings – 19-22 April 2021
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Highlights of AFET committee meetings – 19-22 April 2021

Highlights of AFET meetings on Monday and Thursday next week.
Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET)

Monday 19 April – 14.00 – 15.30 – Room: József Antall 6Q2 + remote participation

Thursday 22 April – 9.00 – 9.15 (extraordinary meeting) Brussels, Room: Paul-Henri Spaak (7C050)

Thursday 22 April – 13.45 – 15.45 – Room: József Antall (6Q2)


• Implementation report on the EU Trust Funds and the Facility for Refugees in Turkey – Consideration of draft report – Rapporteurs: Milan ZVER (EPP, SL), György HÖLVÉNYI (EPP, HU), Janusz LEWANDOWSKI (EPP, PL)


• Report on the 2019-2020 Commission Reports on Turkey (INI) – Adoption of amendments – Rapporteur: Nacho SANCHEZ AMOR (S&D, ES)
• Exchange of views with Mohammad Shtayyeh, Prime Minister of Palestine
• The Arctic: opportunities, concerns and security challenges (INI) – Consideration of draft report – Rapporteur: Anna FOTYGA (ECR,PL )

Information to the media about COVID-19 precautions

In an effort to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus, Parliament is reducing the need for physical meetings on its premises, without compromising its role of democratic scrutiny nor its ability to approve the necessary legislative measures to combat the virus and support the public, consumers, businesses and emergency services.

The required social distancing of 1.5 m must be respected on EP premises at all times. Any parliamentary activities, like committee and plenary meetings, which are still taking place will be web-streamed and can be followed by the media without requiring their physical presence on EP premises. MEPs, Commissioners, Council representatives and other invitees will be able to participate remotely.

Anyone wishing to enter Parliament’s premises must wear either a surgical mask or an FFP2 respiratory mask as of 8 March. You will not be allowed to enter Parliament wearing a ‘community mask’ or any mask made of textiles.