Foreign Affairs MEPs strengthen political dialogue with Algeria
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Foreign Affairs MEPs strengthen political dialogue with Algeria

A delegation of seven members of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament, led by Chairman David McAllister (EPP, DE), visited Algeria from 18 to 20 July 2018.

MEPs met the Prime Minister, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Interior, the Vice-President of the Council of the Nation, the President of the People’s National Assembly as well as the Chair of the Committee on Foreign Affairs.

During the visit they had fruitful discussions on the political, socio-economical situation of the country, but also on the security and stability of the region. The chair underlined that they came here to listen and observe to better understand Algeria and strengthen the parliamentary cooperation.

In this context, Mr. McAllister stated:

“Algeria plays an important stabilising role in the region and we should continue our cooperation on security as well as on fighting terrorism and radicalisation.”

This visit follows the setting up of the EU-Algeria Joint Parliamentary Committee and shows the commitment of the members of the Foreign Affairs Committee to reinforce political dialogue with Algeria.

The delegation consisted of: 

David McAllister (EPP, DE), Tokia Saïfi (EPP, FR), Francisco Millán Mon (EPP, ES), Jo Leinen (S&D, DE), Javi López (S&D, ES), Jakop Dalunde (Greens, SE), Dobromir Sośnierz (NI, PL).