Foreign Affairs MEPs elected the new bureau
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Foreign Affairs MEPs elected the new bureau

Foto: Europäisches Parlament

Foto: Europäisches Parlament

David McAllister (EPP, DE) will chair European Parliament’s Foreign Affairs committee (AFET) for the next two and a half years, decided committee members by acclamation on Tuesday. They also elected the four vice-chairs, who together with the chair will form the new AFET bureau.


“Thank you very much for the trust you placed in me. I will endeavour to be a nonpartisan in leading the business in this committee,” said Mr. McAllister. He also thanked Mr. Elmar Brok (EPP, DE), who was chairing AFET from 2012 (the second half of the 7th legislature and the first half of 8th legislature).

The four vice-chairs elected by foreign affairs MEPs:

– 1st vice-chair Anders Primdahl VISTISEN (ECR, DK)
– 2nd vice-chair Javier COUSO PERMUY (GUE/NGL, ES)
– 3rd vice-chair Andi CRISTEA (S&D, RO)
– 4th  vice-chair Dubravka ŠUICA (EPP, HR)