EPP Group fully supports democratic opposition in Venezuela for the 2017 Sakharov Prize
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EPP Group fully supports democratic opposition in Venezuela for the 2017 Sakharov Prize

Tonight, the EPP Group will present its nomination for the 2017 Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought. This year, the choice is the Democratic Opposition in Venezuela: the National Assembly, represented by its President Julio Borges, and all political prisoners as listed by Foro Penal, represented by Leopoldo López, Antonio Ledezma, Daniel Ceballos, Yon Goicoechea, Lorent Saleh, Alfredo Ramos and Andrea González. They were chosen in appreciation of their struggle in Venezuela where, since the beginning of 2017, more than 130 opponents have been murdered and more than 500 have been arbitrarily imprisoned. We believe that awarding the Sakharov Prize to the Democratic Opposition and all the political prisoners in Venezuela will definitely serve the cause of freedom of conscience, human rights, democracy and the rule of law.“