Chile: joint statement on the constitutional referendum
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Chile: joint statement on the constitutional referendum

Statement by Inmaculada Rodríguez-Piñero (S&D, ES) and David McAllister (EPP, DE), following the referendum on the Constitutional reform held in Chile on 25 October.

The Chair of the Delegation to the EU-Chile Joint Parliamentary Committee, Inmaculada Rodríguez-Piñero, and the Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee, David McAllister, on behalf of the said Delegation and Committee, respectively, stated:

We congratulate the Chilean people for its democratic maturity as demonstrated on the occasion of the constitutional referendum of 25 October.

It is exemplary how Chile, the people, the government, parliamentarians, and the different political, economic and social actors managed – under difficult circumstances – to foster a climate of calm, dialogue and concertation, both during the campaign for the referendum and in the months preceding it, which contributed to holding the referendum in an atmosphere of normality.

We take good note of the decision taken by a majority of the Chilean voters in the referendum and call on the Government, the political parties, the social partners, the civil society organisations and the citizens, in this new constituent phase that begins after the referendum, to cooperate loyally. It is now important to show unity with a view to the election of the members of the constitutional convention, scheduled in April 2021, and to the subsequent phases of the process leading to the adoption of a new constitution for Chile.

We are confident that the sovereign and democratic will expressed by the Chilean people will contribute to overcome the enormous challenges that Chile has experienced in the last few months, to enhanced political and social dialogue and to recovered citizens’ trust in their institutions.

The relations between Chile and the European Union are excellent, as they are based on shared values and principles. The Delegation to the EU-Chile Joint Parliamentary Committee and the Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament, as well as the EU institutions as a whole, are looking forward to keep on cooperating with Chile in this new phase of its history.