Future EU-UK relations: EU is offering ‘cooperation of an unprecedented nature’
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Future EU-UK relations: EU is offering ‘cooperation of an unprecedented nature’

Statement by David McAllister, Chair of the European Parliament’s UK Coordination Group, on the publication of a draft legal agreement on the future EU-UK partnership.

”I welcome the fact that the European Commission has transmitted to the United Kingdom a draft agreement on a new partnership with the European Union that is closely aligned with the European Parliament’s recommendations in its resolution adopted in February and the negotiating directives approved by EU member states on 25 February.

The European Parliament strongly supports the constructive work of the European Union’s negotiators with the United Kingdom’s team, in an open and positive spirit, as these negotiations aim to build – or rather rebuild – an ambitious partnership.

For the European Parliament, it is vital that the European Union does its utmost when negotiating with the UK to guarantee the EU’s interests; both parties share a strong desire to agree on a new partnership based on a good balance of rights and obligations and in respect of the sovereignty of both parties.

I also welcome the fact that the European Commission is proposing provisions for cooperation in foreign affairs, security and defence, even if it did so in a separate document from the comprehensive draft treaty. The Commission thereby proposes to clarify a series of areas that go beyond what the EU usually engages in with third countries. Cooperation in these fields is clearly mutually beneficial for both EU and UK citizens. The EU is, in this regard, truly offering the UK cooperation of an unprecedented nature.”