Armradio: High-level delegation of MEPs to visit Armenia
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Armradio: High-level delegation of MEPs to visit Armenia

The European Parliament will send a delegation of 9 MEPs to Armenia on 18 June to take stock of EU-Armenia relations and reform efforts, before voting on consent to the new agreement.

A nine-MEPs strong delegation, headed by Foreign Affairs committee Chair Mr David McAllister (EPP, DE), will meet Prime Minister Mr Nikol Pashinyan, the Speaker of the National Assembly Mr Ara Babloyan as  well as ministers, national MPs and civil society representatives. MEPs are to assess the political situation in Armenia and to take stock of EU-Armenia relations and announced reform efforts since the recent political turmoil, resulting in a change of government.

On 16 May Foreign Affairs committee MEPs applauded the citizens of Armenia on the recent peaceful transition of power and overwhelmingly gave their consent to the EU-Armenia comprehensive and enhanced partnership agreement, opening up the possibility for deeper cooperation in different sectors. The European Parliament will have a final vote on the agreement in Strasbourg in July 2018.

Ahead of the visit Mr. McAllister said: “This is a key moment in the strengthening of Armenia’s democracy, but also in the deepening of EU-Armenian relations. Armenia’s citizens have very high expectations, they want to see key reforms take place. The European Parliament attaches great importance to the developments in Armenia and its citizens’ aspirations, which is why we are coming to meet with Armenia’s leaders and civil society, ahead of the final vote on the new EU-Armenia agreement.”

In addition to Mr. McAllister, the EP’s delegation will be composed of eight MEPs:

Chair of the Delegation to the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly – Ms Rebecca HARMS (Greens, DE), Chair of the Delegation to the EU-Armenia Parliamentary Cooperation Committee – Mr Sajjad KARIM (ECR, UK), Foreign Affairs committee Rapporteur on Armenia – Mr. László TOKES (EPP, HU), Ms Željana ZOVKO (EPP, HR), Ms Neena GILL (S&D, UK), Mr Boris ZALA (S&D, SK), Ms Eleni THEOCHAROUS (ECR, CY) and Mr Petras AUŠTREVIČIUS (ALDE, LT).